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Convert a single-package repository to a monorepo

Step 1: Reorganize your repository

Before adding in a new package, you should move the existing package to wherever it will live in the monorepo.

For example, when Knope switched to a monorepo, the code for knope moved from the root of the repository to crates/knope. What’s important from Knope’s perspective is where the versioned_files and changelog are.

Step 2: Update knope.toml

Replace the package section with a packages.<package-name> section in knope.toml. This section works identically to the package section, so the only thing that needs to change is the path to versioned_files and changelog.

Again, using Knope’s own transformation as an example:

versioned_files = ["Cargo.toml"]
versioned_files = ["crates/knope/Cargo.toml"]
changelog = ""

In this case, changelog stayed in the same place, but Cargo.toml moved.

Step 3: Create a monorepo-style tag

Tagging works differently in a monorepo. In order for Knope to find the correct tags and commits going forward, you’ll need to create a fresh tag using the new syntax.

Terminal window
LAST_TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
git tag <package-name>/$LAST_TAG $LAST_TAG

Be sure to replace <package-name> with the same thing you put in knope.toml.

Step 4: Add in new packages

Now that you have a monorepo set up, you can add in new packages as needed. Create a new [packages.<package-name>] section in knope.toml for each new package. Make sure to also add an initial version tag to each new package, like package-name/v0.0.0 so that Knope won’t add conventional commits from before the package’s creation to its first release.