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Semantic versioning

Knope changes the version of a package using a subset of semantic versioning. There are three types of changes, and two types of releases.

Types of changes

Every semantic version has three main parts separated by a period: <major>.<minor>.<patch>. For example, in the version 1.2.3, the major version is 1, the minor version is 2, and the patch version is 3. When you make a change to a package, you need to decide which part of the version number it should change.

Major changes

A major change (also called a breaking change) is the most important type of change. Users of your package should always read these changes before upgrading. Typically, this is because the change is backwards-incompatible. If there are any major changes in a release, Knope increments the major version and resets the minor and patch versions to zero regardless of any other changes. For example, 1.2.3 becomes 2.0.0.

Minor changes

A minor change is something new about the package that may interest users, which requires an action to take advantage of. If users don’t read these changes, nothing bad will happen, but if they do, they may be able to make their experience better. This is usually a new feature.

If there are any minor changes in a release, and no major changes, Knope increments the minor version and resets the patch version to zero. For example, 1.2.3 becomes 1.3.0.

Patch changes

A patch change is an improvement that users probably don’t need to read about unless they had a particular problem in older versions. For example, a bug that some users were working around and no longer need to.

If there are any patch changes in a release, and no major or minor changes, Knope increments the patch version. For example, 1.2.3 becomes 1.2.4.

Types of releases

There are two types of releases: pre-releases and final releases (also just called releases). A final release has just the three semantic components described earlier. Most releases are final releases.

A pre-release is a release that’s not suitable for production, it’s for testing and early feedback. Most users shouldn’t upgrade to pre-releases as they’re unstable.

You indicate a pre-release by appending two extra components to a semantic version: <major>.<minor>.<patch>-<label>.<number>. The label indicates which kind of pre-release this is, you might use alpha and beta to indicate different stages of testing (and level of stability). The number differentiates between pre-releases with the same version and label.

Knope determines the version of a pre-release by looking at all changes since the last final release. So, if you have made a patch change since 1.2.3 and want to release an alpha pre-release, the version would be 1.2.4-alpha.0. If you add another patch change, the next alpha version would be 1.2.4-alpha.1. If you then add a minor change, the next alpha version would be 1.3.0-alpha.0.

0.x Versions

A major version of 0 has a special meaning, it indicates that the project isn’t yet stable. You can expect packages in the 0.x range to have major changes much more often. This indicates to consumers that they shouldn’t use this package yet if tweaking things often is a problem for them. For 0.x versions, packages effectively only have two version components: 0.<major>.<minor>. It’s still important to indicate breaking changes, so everything else goes into a single number.

For example, if you have a 0.1.2 version, and you make a breaking change, the next version would be 0.2.0. If you then make a minor change or a patch change, the next version would be 0.2.1.

If you want to go from a 0.x version to a 1.x version, see the releasing 1.0 recipe.