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Command Line Arguments


Knope only accepts a single positional argument (one which doesn’t begin with -), and it must be the name of a defined workflow. knope release runs a workflow named release.

Non-workflow arguments

These arguments cause Knope to do something other than running a workflow.


Prints a message describing everything that Knope can do, including descriptions of other available arguments.

If run after a workflow name (for example, knope release --help), Knope prints information relevant to that workflow.


Prints the version of knope and exits.


Creates a knope.toml file then exits. Not available if a knope.toml file already exists.


Updates the knope.toml file from any deprecated (but still supported) syntax to the newer syntax. This option is unavailable if no knope.toml file is present.


Checks that the knope.toml file is valid. Unavailable if there is no knope.toml file in the current directory.

Workflow modifiers

Arguments that change the behavior of a workflow, the workflow will still run.


Print out more info at every step, aiding in debugging.


Don’t change any files on disk, make any network calls, or call any external commands. Instead, print out what would happen without the --dry-run flag.


Set or override a prerelease_label for any PrepareRelease step. Only available for workflows that contain the PrepareRelease step (like the default release workflow)

You can also set this with the KNOPE_PRERELEASE_LABEL environment variable. This option takes precedence over that.


Manually set a version for all BumpVersion and PrepareRelease steps instead of using semantic rules. Only available for workflows that contain one of those steps, like the built in release workflow.

If the [single-package syntax] is used, provide a single semantic version, like --override-version 1.0.0.

If the [multi-package syntax] is used (even if only one package is configured with it), you must specify the name of each package that should be overridden. This option can also be provided more than once. For example, --override-version first-package=1.0.0 --override-version second-package=2.0.0 will set the version of first-package to 1.0.0 and second-package to 2.0.0, producing an error if either of those packages isn’t configured.