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Create a pull request on every configured forge from the current branch to a specified branch. If a pull request for those already exists, this step will overwrite the title and body of the existing pull request.


To use the CreatePullRequest step, you must configure a forge first. See configuring a Forge for more information.



The branch that the pull request should target. This is a required parameter.


A template string for the title of the pull request. This is a required parameter.


An optional map of variables to use in the title template.


A template string for the body of the pull request. This is required.


An optional map of variables to use in the body template.


An example workflow which creates a pull request from the current branch to main. This uses the current version of the package as the title and the changelog entry for the current version as the body:

name = "create-release-pull-request"
type = "CreatePullRequest"
base = "main"
template = "chore: Release $version"
variables = { "$version" = "Version" }
template = "Merging this PR will release the following:\n\n$changelog"
variables = { "$changelog" = "ChangelogEntry" }

For a full example of how to use this with GitHub Actions to help automate releases, check out Knope’s prepare-release workflow and Knope’s release workflow.